Ten Broeck Farm

Phil Silva and Britta Johnston at the
Ninth Annual Weekend Equestrian Educational Program for
Dressage and Event Riders of all Ages and Levels, Instructors and Parents

Saturday and Sunday
January 29-30, 2011
Nonnewaug Regional School
5 Minortown Rd
Woodbury, CT.

Dressage4kids, Inc is pleased to invite everyone interested in horses and riding to their Ninth Annual Weekend Educational Program. There are an entire series of lectures dedicated to Dressage Riders, Pony Clubbers and Event riders as well as those geared to instructors, adult amateurs and youth of all levels and ages.

There will be lectures on subjects of interest to everyone involved in horses including vet care, stable management, riding theory. There will be peer roundtable discussions for Parents, for professionals, and for youth heading toward the North American Junior/Young Rider Dressage and Eventing Championships. There will be a meeting for the Region 8 and Area 1 potential Dressage and Eventing team members for planning fundraising, coaching, and transportation to NAJYRC. The Connecticut Dressage Association Vista Vintage Award Program is sponsoring session geared toward the care and training of the older horse.

Young Breeder’s Spotlight:

10:00 - 5:00 Young Breeders Sport Horse Educational Program - open to all Understanding the Horse’s Skeleton – Liz Webb
Basics of Conformation – Britta Johnston
Judging Conformation – Phil Silva and Britta Johnston
Breeding horses as a Hobby or a Business -- Clair Glover and Jen Vanover
Showing horses at Breed Shows - Phil Silva
Theory – Alice Peterson and Marie Banks

For a complete schedule, registration and hotel info visit:


Also, check out our other recent activities!