Ten Broeck Farm

Frank Grelo Clinic- October 11-12, 2008

Ten Broeck Farm welcomes Frank Grelo for a 2-day clinic. Please mark you calendar for October 11-12 and join us in Pepperell, MA for this exciting event. Check back for more details and registration information coming soon. For immediate inquiries and sponsorships, call 978-877-6636 or email tenbroeckfarm@charter.net

Get to Know Frank Grelo:

Frank Grelo was born in Portugal, the son of a cavalry man and master blacksmith. He has spent his entire life closely associated with horses, and trained in Portugal and France before meeting the legendary Nuno Oliveira, who coincidentally, lived only forty miles from Frank’s hometown in Portugal. For a number of years Frank rode under the instruction of Oliveira and learned much about the ancient art of Classical Dressage.

In 1971 Frank immigrated to Canada where finally in 1978 he founded Cedar Mills Classical Riding School in Bolton, Ontario. It is here that his skill, keen observation and life-long dedication to the art of riding leave an unforgettable impression on riders and horses who have the opportunity of training at the School.

Frank Grelo has performed at numerous equestrian events throughout North America, including The Kentucky Horse Park, Equitana USA, Walnut Hill in Pittsford NY, and the Coliseum at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto.

Source: www.cedarmillsridingschool.com

Order Frank Grelo Classical Horsemanship DVDs Here


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