Ten Broeck Farm

Ten Broeck Farm Hosts First Clinic in Young Breeders Program

Dressage4kids, Inc’s first "Young Sport Horse Breeders" In Hand Clinic was held at Phil and Orintha Silva's Ten Broeck Farm in Pepperell, MA on November 7, 2010. Participants, as young as ten years old, along with a wonderful group of auditors gathered to help launch a new program focused on the youth of our equestrian community, the world of sport horse breeding and the many facets of showing in-hand.

Clinicians Britta Johnston and Phil Silva shared a wealth of knowledge about breeding care, presenting horses in-hand, free jumping and judging conformation. Johnston specializes in dressage and has 22 years of experience starting young horses and training them through FEI levels. She began riding at the age of six in Germany and went on to earn her bronze medal at age 13 and her silver medal at age 16 from the German Riding Federation. Silva, who is a professional handler with more than 20 years equine experience, is trusted to handle champion horses in the show ring and for inspections. He is recognized for his enthusiasm and ability to safely handle horses of all ages with top performance results.

Silva provided several demonstrations on how to properly present a horse in-hand and explained how experience with a horse on the ground is invaluable. He adds, “We are very excited about this new program that will not only introduce, but also develop young breeders long-term. It is truly a comprehensive effort and wonderful opportunity.”

The clinic explained how to judge the horse's potential from the ground; including conformation with actual scoring examples using various horses. The clinic was also very interactive and required everyone--participants, parents and auditors-- to “run the triangle” in order to get a true appreciation of the athleticism involved with handling. The day’s curriculum also included how to evaluate “free jumping” with a talented group of demonstration horses provided by Kathy Hickerson of Majestic Gait Farms. Lunch was sponsored by Renee Isler.

This new Young Breeders Program is spearheaded by Lendon Gray’s Dressage4Kids (D4K). The program was formulated with the hopes of putting together a team to represent the United States in the International Young Breeders World Championships. Six people between the ages of 15 and 24 may be selected to represent the United States at the championships to be held in France in 2011.

Marie Banks and Alice Peterson of Blue Ribbon Farm along with Phil Silva are overseeing the program. Committee members also include Lendon Gray, Britta Johnston and Orintha Silva. Clinic participants included Corie Bannon, Ailish Bengal, Rachel and Chandra Chowanec, Sarah Deitch, Jaclyn DiCarlo, Taylor Flanagan, Yasmine Kocan, Robert Leuck, Alyxe Perry, Marta Priebe, Meg Sweeney, and Caitlin Wischermann.

This year’s D4K Weekend Educational Program will include a day-long session on judging conformation and showing horses in hand. And, for the first time, the 2011 Youth Dressage Festival includes a Sport Horse Handling and Judging competition. For a complete list of clinic dates visit www.dressage4Kids.com.


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